Monday, February 23, 2009

Jeremy and Scott helped Santa out this year and suprised the boys with this awesome clubhouse. They still have big expansion plans and this baby even has electricty. Thanks Uncle Scott and Aunt Kristen.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

10 Things I love....

A clean house: I love it when Jeremy cleans my house when I go somewhere. It makes me want to come home.

Knowing you passed the test before you get the results: For those of you that do not know I am going to school at Utah State. Occasionally I know most of the answers on a test, and that feels great.

"Old things" I like antiques I watch antique roadshow and I am always thinking old things could be made cute again. (this drives Jer crazy,because that usually means work for him)
Dance: I teach a 3& 4 year old class in G-ville and those little girls are so fun, they don't care if I'm 20 pounds overweight! (which brings me to my next one.)

Food I love it: If you ask me sweet or salty, I say both !

books: Anyone who has known me since 1st grade knows I always am reading and sometimes read 400 pages a day. Most the time about 100 a day. (lately it is text books) try the secret life of bees or glass castle I liked both.

Houses: I love walking through houses and seeing the architecture and design. I especially like really old houses. (I see the potential and how it use to look)

Sisters: I have a great sisters and feel bad for anyone that does not have five bestfriends you can call anytime.

My Boys: (including Jer) Nothing can cheer me up like Kyler bringing home straight A's, Keagon cleaning his room without me asking, Koy learning how to play soccer. Or Jeremy and I getting to spend the day with them.

spring is almost here! We have big plans to go camping on Easter weekend in Little Sahara if anyone wants to join us they are welcome to come along. The boys have such a great time riding four wheelers all over the sand dunes. And I love sitting back in a hammock with a book and letting them run wild without anything getting destroyed!